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The cod, also known as cod in its older, spawning phase, belongs to the family Gadeidae. This family comprises a total of 12 genera with 21-23 species. Interestingly, in Germany there are two different names for the same fish, namely the Gadus morhua. The name used depends on the fish's origin. Fish from the Baltic Sea are usually called cod, while all others are known as cod. The cod is a migratory fish that is highly dependent on environmental influences. While foraging, it prefers cooler regions. For spawning, it migrates south to warmer waters. A characteristic feature of the cod is the strong barbel on the lower jaw and the slightly protruding upper jaw. Other characteristics are the light lateral line, the dark marbling of the flanks and the almost straight cut caudal fin. The basic color of the different cod species can vary considerably depending on their habitat. For example, in seagrass areas, you can find grey-green to olive-green specimens known as seagrass cod. In seaweed areas, however, you can find reddish to golden-brown fish known as red cod. In sandy zones, you can find grey and sandy-coloured fish known as sand cod. The variety of colour variations and the ability of cod to adapt to different habitats reflect its remarkable nature. Although it can have different names and appearances, cod remains an important species that is of great economic and ecological importance.